Copywriting Tips For Mobile App Design

Copywriting Tips For Mobile App Design


Copywriting tips for a mobile app design

When writing for mobile, the most important copywriting tips are the same as for web-based content.

Remember that mobile users typically have a particular task in mind, and they are likely distracted by other things. Therefore, you should give your copy a break and re-read it with fresh eyes. A second opinion might also be useful. Below are a few copywriting tips for mobile app design:

Click-to-call button

Including a click-to-call button on a website is essential for mobile customers. These call buttons eliminate a step in the customer experience by making it easier to communicate with a company. This in turn can help improve customer service and conversion. When the customer clicks on a button, it automatically dials the phone number. This can also improve the speed of communication, as customers no longer need to hesitate to get in touch with the company.

The most effective click-to-call buttons combine two modes of communication. When someone clicks on a button, they are immediately connected to the person’s phone or mobile device. The customer is immediately transferred to the caller, which makes it easy to resolve any issues. Alternatively, they can even send a video chat request, allowing the user to engage in face-to-face conversation in a few seconds.

Contextual copy

When developing a mobile app, contextual copy plays an important role in helping the users interact with the app. While you should disclose swipe-triggered actions, users are unlikely to memorize gestures and may not know what they are triggering. For this reason, contextual copy should be short, to the point, and relevant to the content on the screen. Also, you should ensure that contextual copy is easy to understand, so the users don’t feel overwhelmed.


When it comes to copywriting for your mobile app, clear communication is a must. Know your target audience. What are they most interested in? How long will they stay interested? Make sure you use clear language and the right format. There may be a headline, a photo, and a short description at the top of your screen. You also need to make sure that your call to action is clear. This may sound like a lot of work, but it will pay off in the end.

Remember that your audience can be on any device and the length of copy is extremely important. What looks good on a phone may not look the same on a tablet. It could even stretch to three or four lines. It can be extremely frustrating for the designer! Keep in mind the responsiveness of the device when writing copy for your app. Keep paragraphs and lines similar in length. A short, snappy phrase or headline may be more effective than a lengthy paragraph.


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