10 Examples of Bad UI/UX Design and How to Fix Them

10 Examples of Bad UI/UX Design and How to Fix Them


In a nutshell, good UI/UX design mimics how things work in real life. This isn’t a theory; in fact, you should aim for your UI to mimic real world situations as closely as possible. Bad examples of UI/UX design include: Cluttered displays, Pre-filled fields, Unique icons, and confusing navigation. As designers, you need to avoid these mistakes to create a great user experience for your customers.

Good UI/UX design should mimic the way things work in the real world

When designing for the user experience, UI/UX designers should consider how people actually use products. Users often want to shortcut tasks when using products that they’re already familiar with. This way, users aren’t distracted by irrelevant information, and their attention is focused only on what they need. To mimic this behavior, interfaces should include only the information that users need.

In addition, a good UI/UX design should be easy to modify and incorporate new elements, as well as expand the product’s functionality. The initial design should be dynamic, allowing it to expand as the product evolves. This helps users quickly get what they want. This is especially important when it comes to UI/UX. Therefore, you should always communicate the goals and the design principles with all employees.

Consistency is another essential property of a good UI/UX. The consistency of a product is important because this fosters trust and transferable knowledge. Users shouldn’t question the integrity of a product or service if it lacks consistency. Fonts, colors, and icons should be consistent. If possible, consider hiring a design system manager to ensure consistency.

Unique icons

UI/UX designers often overlook the importance of using clear icons for describing a product or service. In today’s world, icons have become an essential part of modern interfaces. In fact, they are equivalent to buttons on mobile devices. Take, for example, Snapchat. Icons should clearly convey the function of the element, and be consistent in style throughout the entire app. One way to ensure sharp icons is to create them as vectors.

Cluttered displays

We’ve all been tempted to add extra elements to our screens and applications. However, it’s important to remember that white space is important for a good user experience. Empty blocks of space on a screen create breathing space, highlight important concepts, and provide room for understanding the UI. Cluttered screens make it harder to see and interpret the information you provide. If you can use more than one screen at once, you’re on the right track.

Pre-filled out fields

Users form opinions of you within the first few seconds. The first glance you give your form will influence your user’s decision to complete it or not. Similarly, if your form includes 20 field entries in no particular order, it looks like it might be stressful and overwhelming. By separating the answers into different fields, you reduce the chances of users making mistakes. This is why pre-filled out fields are bad UI/UX design examples.

When placing placeholders, always make sure to place clear labels and hints. This will make it clear to the user what the field is for. Many conversion goals involve form fields, so it’s important to make these forms as accessible as possible. Here are some examples of bad UI/UX design examples:


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