Rapid prototyping my app will help me get funded,
but Investors have a lot of options to choose from, so even entrepreneurs with great ideas can have a tough time securing funding to develop their app. One way to stand out from the crowd and attract those investors is prototyping, that is, creating a model that can be tested by users. Prototyping is an interactive simulation of the final product that not only lets you and your team evaluate concepts and share feedback in the early stages of creation, but also demonstrate value to potential investors.
Reasons to prototype:
- A prototype is a functional idea of the product
- When presenting it to prospective investors, it’ll work as a mean of demonstrating the product’s potential
- Prototyping also enable you to involve clients and stakeholders in the creative process
- You can ensure the final product will contain the features, match the ideas, and meet the goals of the project for all parties
- If you seek funding without a prototype, potential investors may shy away from your product
- Assure them that your goals and directions are clear.
“ Rapid prototyping my app will help me get funded
A great app user experience doesn’t just happen
rather, its’s the result of exhaustive product development, from concept to delivery. It’s the culmination of designing and redesigning the product over again until it’s just right. However, the number of dedicated hours to your product may require a significant amount of capital. So, before you throw wither all your money towards development. Or throw your idea in the trash because you don’t have the funding, it’s highly recommended to consider investing in an app prototype.
Prototypes can help entrepreneurs struggling to secure an investment. By making your prototype look and feel like a finished product, you can bolster your chances of securing an investment.
Prospective stakeholders want to see a tangible product before investing, and prototyping helps you ease any concerns they may have.
The How:
Prototyping Technique:
- Sketches
- Wireframes
- Detailed prototypes
While faking it until you make it on Aardvark’s scale may take a lot of nerve – on a smaller scale through rapid proto typing it makes sense in all UX environments. Testing ideas without building them is cheaper and more resource efficient that it has ever been.
There are plenty of tools that allow you to automate this and not all of them are expensive. This means that a smart UX designer or UX design team can substantially boost the value they add to the bottom line without laying out a small fortune in the first place.
Buying with your eyes:
Investors buy with their eyes not just their wallets. When understanding how to get funding for an app, visual presentations is everything. It shows investors you’ve thought through your brand identity and the interactions that comprise your solution. It demonstrates follow through and commitment. Besides the human fact that people respond well – well- to visuals.
Studies have also found 65% of the population learns more effectively with visual aids. Visuals have been linked to better information retention in long-term memory, faster message absorption and the ability to create an emotional response that motivates action.
Startup owners regularly need to make new ideas tangible with limited time and budget. Investors don’t want to sign-on line. So, prove your concept before your pitch. We call this process rapid prototyping. Rapid prototyping can result in a paper, digital or clickable model to demo at the high impact meeting where ideas aren’t enough.
Before you raise funding, these business components must be in place:
- You need to be able to provide the service you are promising.
- You need to have enough resources in hand to test your product.
Wireframing for mobile devices first (or from narrow widths outwards) helps us to prioritize site elements while putting us in a good mindset for thinking about what content is most relevant to the site visitor and how your content becomes available to work with on wider screens.
Frequently asked questions about prototyping:
Free prototype websites
Why do I need wireframes for my mobile app design? As you can see its pivotal to start your project right. Talk to us about your next app project.