How to Design an E-Commerce Website
The design of an e-commerce website can become very complex for those who don’t know much about web development. While most web developers are pretty good at what they do, the design aspects of a website are often where a beginner’s get exposed. With a little practice and patience, a basic e-commerce website can be made up of very simple pages that are designed to show products off to consumers. However, the more complex the site becomes the less benefit there will be to the consumer in terms of the design and navigation of the site.
Use colour to benefit your site’s design:
A person who is brand conscious will generally go for neutral colours like blue and grey. A consumer who is looking for a more specific colour or one that will suit their needs will opt for more specific colours or those with more appeal to them. If you choose to use colours that are too general, your site will seem disjointed; if you choose ones that are too specific your customer will immediately be put off and may never return.
For those just starting out, try to stick to those colours that you have a reasonable amount of confidence in. It may take some time to find those colours that work well for you, but in the end it should be worth the effort. Once you have found them, use them on all of the pages of your site. It is advisable to use lighter shades and less vivid colours on the homepage and darker ones on the more detailed products, such as terms, policies, testimonials etc.
Planning your E-commerce site
When planning the design of your website, keep in mind that it is better to have a layout in mind which will allow you to make split-page layouts easier. For example, have one page for each product type (shopping cart, payment options, product reviews, FAQs etc. ).
If your site is mainly focused on a single product, you can use a photo-based shopping cart. If you intend to include images on your pages you will need to ensure that your images are allowed to be modified by your web host. This will make your site appear more professional and result in higher page rankings. Some hosts allow images to be resized without any additional fees; this is another way in which you can add more professionalism to your site.
Contact and ordering info
Another important part of a website is the contact and ordering system. This is not something which you can easily do yourself. In order to avoid mistakes when designing of e-commerce website, it is best to employ a professional website design firm that specialises in this area. You should also be aware that the success of your site will depend greatly on the amount of traffic that your site receives. It is crucial that you engage the services of a reliable web design firm that has experience in providing both SEO and design to your site. Using a firm that has an extensive experience in building e-commerce websites allows them to tailor the design of your site to meet your individual requirements.
Complexity of E-commerce
The design of an e-commerce website has become easier but more complex over the years. With ever-changing internet technologies, the ability to develop a quality website with highly interactive elements has become increasingly difficult. In addition, software developers have created tools that enable you to quickly update your site. Utilising modern technology and the newest software developments can help you develop a site that gives your company an edge over your competitors. Platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and Bigcommerce have ready made options for users, but almost gives users too many options, and most of the time still needs a web professional to help you navigate the right options for you.
You should also avoid using the same template for all of your websites. As your company grows, it is likely that you will want to change your template slightly to customise your websites for each new product line that you introduce. It is always easier to design a website with a clean and fresh look than to continually redesign your website. Using a template will ensure that your company logo will be used on all of your website pages, ensuring brand recognition for your company. But at the end of the day, our honest advices is to use a quality e-commerce web design company that will have an experienced team of developers who are able to meet your individual needs. By utilising the services of a professional web development company, you will enjoy an overall web presence that will not only increase your company’s profitability, but will also increase your company’s customer satisfaction and make sure your site keeps working for you.
Consider the way your site is designed.
Unless you’re a B2B company, it’s unlikely that your customers will read the entire text on your site. Therefore, the design of your ecommerce website should be as simple as possible. By keeping the flow of the eye in mind, you’ll be more likely to drive a sale. The best eCommerce websites will make it easy for consumers to buy the products they want.
Ensure that navigation is easy to use.
Your website should be easy to navigate, with an eye-catching logo and a view-cart button. A strong user experience is crucial to conversion. As such, the layout and content of your eCommerce website should be user-friendly. Your customers should feel at home when using your site. If you have a good site, you will see more sales. So, take the time to plan ahead.
Coming soon
Dooper: A brand new e-commerce platform that is cost effective, easy to use, and 100% reliable. More details to follow soon.
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